St. Petersburg, Aptekarsky pr., 18
Read the signs!
Do you believe in signs as much as we believe in them? When, at the beginning of work on the interior, we came across a necklace from Papua New Guinea, we realized that this was not just an accident.
Creating an interior is akin to an exotic trip. When traveling, you don't always know what's hidden around the corner; in design, you don't always know what will become a source of inspiration. So it was in this case! When we saw a necklace from islands in the distant Pacific Ocean on sale, we didn't pass it by, and then, as often happens, off we went. Having an apartment in the new residential complex Skandi Klubb from the Swedish developer Bonava and full credit of trust from the customer, we set ourselves an ambitious task: to prove that rental housing does not have to be neutral. Calm - yes! Characteristic – it may very well be! But let's talk about everything in order.
52,3 м²

Apartment area
3 months

From signing the contract to completion of work
4.2 million rub

Turnkey budget
RUB 80,305

Per m² turnkey
We're walking in circles
In the interior, the correct layout and proportions decide a lot, to say the least - almost everything! We were lucky, because both of them were in complete order in the apartment.It was a traditional circular layout from Bonava, relatively small, only 50 sq. m. m, but functional. The public area was divided into a spacious living-dining room for friendly gatherings and a compact but spacious kitchen. The private area consisted of a bedroom, which could be accessed from both the hallway and the kitchen, and a dressing room. The bathroom was located in the center of the apartment. The only space we decided to improve was the dressing room. The swing door at the entrance was replaced with a sliding door, thus creating additional storage space.

design and execution
Get into the details
We created a modern, laconic interior and carefully, detail by detail, wove original ethnic motifs into it. Want to get into all the details? As they say, cherchez la femme? No! Look for signs! There are plenty of them in the interior. In the hallway there is a magical amulet made of shells, the task of which is to protect the house, and an ottoman with legs made of untreated wood, stylized as an ancient artifact. In the living room there are plaid blankets and pillows with wickerwork, which seem to have been crafted by masters of past centuries. In the kitchen there are photo frames, reminiscent of how a person, having first noticed gold mines, did not stop, but continued to develop them.However, despite the presence of "objects with history," the apartment does not have the feeling of an antiquities shop. Rather, it's an album with photographs from trips that you want to look through yourself and show to your friends. By the way, the interior has an interesting feature! You'll see, if you live here for a month or two, you will have an irresistible desire to supplement the existing collection of impressions with your own exhibits.

Uliana Skaptsova
Owner of US studio
If you have crossed the threshold of this apartment for the first time, it is possible that you will immediately call it "male." But don't rush to conclusions! Believe me, not everything is so simple. The fact is that the ceramic granite travertine finish immediately catches your eye here. Travertine is a brutal hero, its pattern resembles the structure of a rock cut. But cold "stone" motifs in the interior coexist perfectly with warm "forest" motifs, wood in flooring and furniture. Further more! So that when leaving the cave you could fully enjoy a breath of fresh air, we introduced a thin line of the most delicate tulle into the space. In general, all materials and shades were selected with an eye to naturalness and, of course, compatibility. It couldn't have been any other way - for the interior to turn out alive, the details inside it had to begin to interact.

Uliana Skaptsova
Owner of US studio
While working on the project, we, like beads on a thread, stringed together the sensations of the future residents: the velvety softness of the sofa, the sincere friendliness of the wicker poufs, the noble tranquility of the dark wood elements. But the main thing that we sought to reflect in this interior, as in our other projects: no matter what the apartment is, it must be cozy, it must certainly have a feeling of home. Otherwise, there is simply no point in starting everything.
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